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Kanenonwe - Original Seeds 
a film by Katsitsionni Fox 


Haudenosaunee women reconnecting,  protecting and rematriating Indigenous heirloom seeds for future generations 



Kanenon:we - Original Seeds carries viewers into the grassroots Indigenous seed sovereignty movement led by Haudenosaunee women. Prior to European contact there was a rich and vibrant diversity of foods, with women primarily responsible for caretaking of the seeds. Genocidal practices including, boarding schools, land theft, forced relocation, imposed religion and even food warfare contributed to a disconnection from our traditional foods and seeds.  Indigenous seed keepers are vigilantly protecting the biodiversity of seeds under threat of Agro-Chemical Giants that currently control over sixty percent of seeds worldwide. As these Haudenosaunee women step back into their sacred responsibility as seed keepers they offer a powerful view of what is possible in Indigenous communities working towards food sovereignty.

Film Festivals & Screenings: 

2-28-2024 Symposium on Haudenenosaunee at Syracuse University 


Love the Earth

Heirloom Seed Growers

Sustaining Biodiversity

We are committed to preserving heirloom seeds, which are vital for maintaining biodiversity and cultural heritage. By supporting heirloom seed growers, we contribute to safeguarding rare plant varieties, promoting sustainable agriculture, and preserving agricultural diversity.


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